Sunday, October 21, 2012


Dear sister,
Sometimes, I am scared that you don't love me as much as I love you.
Sometimes, I am scared that when you don't want to talk to me, that means you don't miss me.
Sometimes, I feel like you don't want to come visit me.
Sometimes, I feel angry that my missing you doesn't make you instantly come up to visit.
Sometimes, I feel sad because I think that you don't think I am doing the right thing.
Sometimes, My heart just hurts with how much I love you.
Sometimes, I miss you so much that I find random reasons to call you.
Sometimes, I feel like we are completely different people.
Sometimes, I think we are the same person in different bodies.
You my dear sister...
Have ruled over my life since the day I was born.
There is not a moment that goes by where I don't wish that I was snuggling with you. Getting the car washed with you, baking cookies with you, talking about goofy things, serious things, things that don't seem important to anyone else, but bonds us in a way that NO one will ever understand.

A sisters bond, it's one that I can't even describe. I also can not even begin to imagine NOT having that bond with someone. This summer, when I was backpacking, Cassidy got sad because she thought I was regretting coming on the trip because I talked about missing you so much...
What she doesn't understand, and when MANY people don't understand, is that the missing... it can't be ignored, turned off, or forgotten. You are the best thing that has happened to me. You my dear, are my sister and the best one in alllllll of the land.

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