Monday, September 10, 2012

Dear Sister...

Last night we had the best night. We went to that really hot and kind of stuffy awesome Yolo Land Trust thing and we both looked super cute. You in your Daybook Blog outfit, me in my white dress (Smart going, dummy. Who wears WHITE to an ALL eating event? I blame it on my fashion advisor.). You got, like, 1,000 check outs (Evidence, Exhibit A, Message received on Facebook this morning:

Hey how r ya it was good seeing u guys yesterday. By the way your sister Hannah is beautiful lol u guys should come by some time and hang out at the pool. 

Good grammar and spelling. We know how to pick 'em.) We quickly got tired of that mess fun, and left to go sweat somewhere else. Duh. 

There are few things I love more in this world than shopping with you. You are fun. You make the best rules (no buying anything that costs more than $30!) and then you are the best breaker of said rules (Hellllo cute new "Travel" letters!). Here were some of our fun purchases: 
SUPER cute travel letters. They are going to look really awesome on your wall. 

Hey Owl Candle. You were totally necessary. 
Owl Measuring Cups? What the!?! Where have you been all of my life??? 

Here are some of the things I wish we had purchased:
What? Getting it!
Cookie Jars. We need them!

Then we went to see Celeste and Jesse Forever. The best. You + me + quickly eaten Thai food at the place with the bat on the ceiling. Nothing could be finer. On the way home we talked about love and happiness and you cried and I got quiet and contemplative and we were sisterly and it made me so happy that God chose me to be your sister. Out of all the people in the world, somehow I got this lucky. Sometimes I don't think I deserve you and your unending love, but then I think about how awesome I am... 

This blog is going to be fun. Let's tell each other our secrets. Let's be open and honest and kind (or bitchy- all part of the honesty kick). Let's be better sisters.

Love you! 

Love, Sister. 

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