Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dear Sister...

Hi Auntie H,

It has been a whole 27 hours since you left to the stupid place that shall not be named go back to college and I already miss you so much it hurts. I know sometimes we aren't very good (read: I am a mean, bitchy sister) at being sisters when you are home, but I miss you so much that I ache when you leave. Here are all of the things I miss about you:
- You have this really good sisterly smell to you. I wish I could smell you. 
- You are really cute in the mornings when you are sleepy but trying really hard to be awake. 
- The way you look when you hold baby Row. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. You look like you could cry and laugh all at the same time. And you look pretty nervous. Row misses you, btw. He told me.
- The way you love me for me. 
I love you!!!!
I have so many things to tell you already, but I am too tired to write them all right now. 

Tomorrow, dear sister. For now, I will dream of the way you smell. (It isn't as creepy as it sounds.) (Nope, juts re-read it. Creepy. Sorry, I am not sorry.)


Auntie H. 

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