Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welp, there goes my last strand of self respect.

Dear H,
Today, I thought about you a lot.
I thought about how you are the best sister.
I thought about how you deserve the best.
Better than I can give you.
Or any man can give you.
I thought about the fact that sometimes you get into petty fights and arguments that make my day horrible. Or mom's day no good.
I thought about how they make us seem like we are in 7th grade. I hate it.
But, I love you.
So, I keep having these silly fights and making up... it's an endless cycle. I wish we could end it.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you in this lovely blogy here of ours...
That I love you.
And that I am going to miss you SO much when I go back up to school.
I am going to miss you randomly grabbing my hand as we walk.
I am going to miss you looking up blogs and talking about pintrest.
I am going to miss you telling me how cute Rowan looked, and me telling you that I am the favorite. (which I totally am)
I am going to miss your shiny hair and the way that you randomly tap my butt twice.
I am going to miss you calling me things like "pintresty" and "daybook blogy"
Really, I'll just miss you a whole heck of a lot.
AND I can't wait for this blog. It will be the BEST!

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