Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Worst Blogger Sister Award Goes To...


First off: Whoa, bloggy blog designer!?! LOVE the new layout. And I think our vast readership will also enjoy the improvements you have made. This is me, being super impressed. 

Okay. I am going to keep a running update on the things I am thinking today and then I will publish this thing when my thoughts are all done. 

- How cute is this???? 

- D and I got in a big time dumb stupid fight on Saturday because he hacked down all of my bushes without asking is not a very good communicator. Then we made up. But didn't make out. Typical. I am about ready to burst with sexual frustration. Ugh. This relationship is not working for everyone involved and it is time to make some changes. But please don't ask me about it/ talk to me about it because I will share when I am ready and I am not ready to talk about it yet. 

- I have turned over a new leaf and I am no longer judgey. Surprise! I am jealous that you are still in college and you get to make out with boys. I wish we had been born twins and that we could be in college together and be having so much fun. Ugh. I would be the best wing-woman. Oklahoma sounds like a fun time. Also, I like boys with accents. 

- I got to hold Row for, like, 100000 minutes yesterday. He cried the whole time. It was the first time that I felt overwhelmed by his baby-ness. Stop being so crabby, kid! Don't you know who your aunts are??? 

- Mom is wearing her keens AND socks this morning. Quick! Someone call the fashion police! I will try to sneak a picture...

- Cousin L is working with me and she is so cute and fun. I like her.

- Please please please please please remember this: When my child is born, please please please do not post any photos or let me post any photos of that child naked with their weird newborn genitals showing. It makes me really weirded out. Thank you. 

- It Mitt Romeny wins this stupid election I am going to move to Central America. That's where Kansas is, right? 

This is the conclusion of my morning post. 

Love you to the moon. 

- H

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