Sunday, September 16, 2012

Guess who I am being.

Dear H,
Time moves much more slowly here, people aren't talking fast or looking busy all the time... MUCH different than being on the farm.
On a totally different note...
 I hooked up with Oklahoma football player last night. He is the youngest of 5, his daddy is a pastor (not to get confused with PASTURE... that would be weird.) he is younger and thought it was REALLY cool that I was more "experienced" than him... Haha. If he only knew. (FOOLED YOU) Anyway, it was fun, and we just fooled around. Nothing too serious. I like the unseriousness of some people. I don't mean it in a slutty way. (Although you are already thinking it, I can tell.) Mostly I just mean I like a guy that can make me laugh, not one who will make me cry.
I know that scares you. When I tell you about my fooling around... You are already a (little bit) judging me. So stop that, and just be happy I am telling you about a fun boy that was fun to dance with. (And called me fun Oklahoma slang like mam')
Well, that being said, I miss you. I miss you a whole heck of alot.
I LOVE it here, but it doesn't stop that place in my heart from wanting to be home. Sitting on the couch looking at the newest facebook gossip with you. I love when we do that.
Well, to leave you today, I thought I would do a photoshoot of sorts, they turned out a LOT creeper than I thought that they would.
Just go with it.


And now?


Love from,

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